Pierced, the Pregnancy Loss division of Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise, has multiple programs depending on your need. To see a listing of upcoming programs, please check out our Events page or to find a chapter in your area, please check out SHAP near you.  If you would like to bring any of the below programs to your area, please contact our Outreach team.

In Austin, we are blessed to work in conjunction with Raphael’s Refuge and often host our Memorial Prayer Service at their glass chapel in Flatonia, Texas. The walls of this beautiful chapel are made of glass bricks, each etched with the name of a child lost through miscarriage, abortion, illness, accident or artificial reproductive technologies. The light pierces these bricks, illuminating the children and offering peace and joy to those who stand in their midst. If you live in Texas or anywhere around the world, please consider this lasting tribute to your child.

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