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by Jen Crowley
August 14, 2019

I’m not sure that you can ever really fully “heal from” the pain of infertility — that almost always awful experience changes you forever.

I guess it depends on how you define complete healing. I think healing is a journey, a process that has ebbs and flows. Sometimes you feel pretty positive; other times you want to shut the world out and hide from any unwelcome reminders of your suffering.

My own healing journey through infertility has already been a nine year process, and I expect I will always be able to grow from it and gain new perspective for as long as I live.

The only way to begin healing is to be open to it, to be open to God’s grace working in your life and having confidence that He can use even this — this heavy cross of infertility — for your good.

Related: Waiting to Bloom

In St. Paul’s letter to the Romans, he writes:

“We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

If it weren’t for the support I’ve found through community, both online and within my own local area, I’m not sure where I’d be!

Living with infertility is no joke, as you know, and it can feel isolating and quite lonely, especially when it seems like everyone else around you is always pregnant.

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When I helped start Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise so many years ago, it established a major turning point in my own healing journey.

Whereas I had read a few books and blogs and began to learn about other couples who were struggling with infertility, I was only distantly connected to them online — which was great, but I longed to connect in person with those who were on a similar journey as me.

Our Ministry’s First Healing Event

Our ministry held its first healing retreat in April 2012 after we had been meeting monthly as a local support group for about nine months. It was beautiful.

We had an entire day that included talks from our local NaProTECHNOLOGY doctor, a couple who shared their own journey through infertility and how they were touched by God’s healing grace, the opportunity to go to reconciliation, a healing Mass, and time for connecting with our spouse.

We were given the chance to learn more about all of the couples who were there, and I’m blessed to say that now, seven years later, I’m still very close to most of the couples I met that day. Together, we have supported each other through all that’s conspired in our own journeys since then.

Without having had that retreat, I wouldn’t have been able to grow through these friendships I made, especially since at least three of those couples who have played an especially important role in my infertility experience live outside of my hometown. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet them without having gone on this retreat.

One couple who attended this retreat — Cyndy and Danny — shared their experience:

“When we had first heard about the Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise Couples Retreat, we really weren’t sure exactly what to expect. All we knew was that there would be other couples like us having the same painful difficulties. When we got there, we immediately felt the love and caring experience that we would so gratefully feel that day. It just felt right sharing and discussing with the other couples whom we had met. We left with so much more faith and love that had filled our hearts.”
~ Danny and Cyndy; San Marcos, Texas

Since that retreat in 2012, we have held many more retreats and healing events.

Related: A Successful Future Full of Hope Infertility Prayer Service!

Bearing Fruit in the Face of Infertility: A Couples’ Retreat

We are excited to announce that our 2019 couples’ infertility healing retreat is coming up and will be held in Austin, Texas, in just two months on Saturday, Oct. 5!

We would love for you to start a new chapter in your own healing journey through infertility and prayerfully consider taking advantage of this incredible opportunity that only happens once a year!

Meet couples, who live both local to your area as well as those who will travel from all over to attend, who need community just as badly as you do. Infertility is not a journey that should be traveled with just you and your spouse.

You will be given spiritual growth opportunities that may not have been presented to you in any other scenario, and you will certainly make progress in your journey toward healing.

If you know of others who are also struggling, share information about the retreat with them!


Bearing Fruit in the Face of Infertility: A Couples’ Retreat
Saturday, Oct. 5, 2019
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
St. Austin Catholic Church, 2026 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas
Register for the FREE retreat here!

Wherever you find yourself in your own healing journey through infertility, please know that our prayers are with you. It can be a long road, a seemingly unending one at times. Just know that you are not alone.

There are people who want to support you, pray with and for you, and share hope with you — hope that God WILL provide healing, in one way or another.

& If you aren’t a part of our Bands of Hope Online Infertility Support Group, we’d love to have you join us! It’s a community filled with those who seek and offer spiritual and emotional support to anyone struggling with fertility issues!


Hey! I’m Jen Crowley!

I helped co-found the ministry Sarah’s Hope & Abraham’s Promise, where we seek to offer spiritual support for those struggling with infertility or pregnancy loss, as well as support for those touched by adoption. I’ve been the proud wife to a great man for over 10 years, and I’ve been blessed through the miracle of adoption to be a mama of four beautiful (and very active) children! I come from the South and love cooking, a glass (or two) of wine, and Jesus. Throw in a movie marathon coupled with snuggles with my kiddos or deep conversations with my dearest loved ones, and you couldn’t find me happier! You can find my humble thoughts on journeying through infertility and adoption here!

Disclaimer: New to our ministry? Learn more about our mission here.
The Healing Journey Through Infertility
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