• SHAP - Infertility
    • Infertility programs not only offer support and hope but also educate on the bioethical issues associated with fertility treatments. As an alternative, SHAP teaches NaPro Technology as the most viable option for preserving the health of the female and male bodies as well as preserving the dignity of the marital act and the child to be.  Learn more about SHAP - Infertility.
  • SHAP - Pierced
    • For those who have suffered a pregnancy or early child loss our Pierced division assists in finding joy amidst the grief. Currently being planned are a retreat, support group, and a crisis team to help in the immediate period of loss.  Learn more about SHAP - Pierced.
  • SHAP - Destined
    • Lastly, our Destined division assists families who desire adoption. Providing education about the adoption process as well as programs to support adoptive parents/children (including generational healing programs), adoptive families can find more wholeness and intimacy within their new family. Learn more about SHAP - Destined.

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