Gianelle was born on Feb. 18, 2020 to Valerie and Daniel Soto.

Valerie says, “Our story begins as follows. We’ve been married for 15 years, going on 16 this year, and out of those we had been trying to conceive for half. We went to many fertility specialists both here and in Mexico, and we tried holistic and nothing. Every specialist we went to always told us the same thing: that we had a 1 percent chance of conceiving due to my weight. After hearing such disappointing news I was starting to lose faith and hope.

My husband is who kept me going and who gave me the strength to keep believing, even if a little.

Well in February 2019 my mother called to let me know she’d be hosting the Virgen of Fatima at her house for a rosary. As I hung up the phone I was complaining to my husband about not wanting to go as I didn’t believe in praying the rosary. Well on Feb. 9, 2019 I wake up and was still complaining about having to go. We get to my mother’s house, and as I’m sitting there I’m thinking, ‘What am I doing here if I don’t believe in any of this?’ They started telling a story about a mother who prayed for her daughter as she, too, struggled to conceive and by the grace of God, she was able to.

As I heard the story it had to have been God letting me know to not give up, and that’s when I realized I was meant to be there. After hearing the story of the Virgen of Fatima, I made my intention. A month or so later, we met a doctor who specializes in fertility and was willing to help us.

Fast forward to July 4, 2019, we found out we were pregnant. Yes, five months later! How incredible is God?! Our little miracle was born Feb. 18, 2020, and we have been so blessed and lucky to be her parents. I still continue to pray the rosary as I want my daughter and future children to have faith and believe. It’s true what people say — faith moves mountains. We will forever be grateful for our daughter.”

Welcome Gianelle!

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